About Us

Who Sara Is

Upon graduating College, Sara joined the Army and Served as a Logistics Officer for seven and a half years. She served in the famed 101st and 82nd Divisions, and was awarded a Bronze Star after a deployment to Afghanistan in 2013. In 2017 Sara got out and began working as a Warehouse Manager for a major medical company. At the same time, she was diagnosed with Gender Dysphoria, and began medically transitioning in March of 2019. 

In October of 2018, Sara founded an LLC called Steubens Ltd. Having a heart for voluntaryism she started the company as a side project to help raise money for charities via online retail; with profits going toward those in need. In March of 2020 Sara was frustrated seeing the cultural narrative being taken over by Marxist rhetoric, which includes Gender Ideology and Queer Theory. She decided to use her voice and experience to change the perception that was/is being created about trans people by progressives, and some social conservatives. Being a freedom loving Transsexual with a military background and a love for politics, Sara launched TRANSform To Freedom.

As the Host of the TRANSform To Freedom podcast, Sara makes content that deals with politics and culture. Usually reacting to the news of the Day, especially when that news deals with trans issues. She has interviewed politicians such as former VP Candidate Spike Cohen, and NY Governor Candidate Larry Sharpe. She has also made videos with public figures such as Arielle Scarcella, Lauren Chen, Hannah Cox, Human Trafficking Survivor Advocate Eliza Bleu, Trans Icon Buck Angel, and many more. Her aim is to provide an insight that is severely lacking in modern discourse.

Sara has a Bachelors in Business from Central Michigan University, and is a regular guest on the KWOS Morning show with Austin Petersen. She has been interviewed on a number of Podcasts on including The BlazeTVs Slightly Offensive, The Chrissie Mayr Podcast, and Deprogrammed with Keri Smith. She is also published in Human Events, The Post Millennial, and The Libertarian Republic.


The Steubens Ltd Brand.

Steubens Ltd. is built on a foundation and belief in the American Constitution. Specifically, the right that all people have to defend themselves. The founder is an 8-year Army Vet that is dedicated to helping people who are typically vulnerable to attack, receive self-defense training. Whether that is with a firearm or hand to hand combat, we believe that all persons should be trained in every tool available to lower the chances of being a victim. We are proud supporters and open to working with any apolitical business or organizations that support the ideals of self-defense for all people.


The Name

Baron Von Steuben played a very important part in the American Revolution. Much of what he did is still used in the America Military today. He was a Prussian General in which was brought to Valley Forge to serve as George Washington’s chief of staff and train the troops (who many saw as the turning point in the war). The formations and marches are used today in modern Drill and Ceremony. He was also named as the Inspector General of the continental Army and established the foundations for which the current Quartermaster Corps. is built upon.

He was a huge part of the founding of our country and by proxy our constitution, it is also widely known that he was a gay man. This was a time in history where being gay could have been punished by death. When he was chosen by Benjamin Franklin to serve under Washington his reputation was well known, but looked past because of his abilities. It was the first sign of American acceptance of the LGBT community, even if it was more under the ideals of “Don’t ask, don’t tell”.


Here at Steubens Ltd. we firmly believe that all people are created equal, endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, and stand against anyone willing to take away their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.